Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Life is wonderful!

It is easy to find happiness and inner peace, just by expressing gratitude! I look around each day, especially at the wonders of nature, and feel blessed and honored to experience life. Each breath I take in this amazing body given to house my soul on this journey, provides another opportunity to be thankful. Sure, things get tough! Life passes by quickly and my skin is chafed and bloody in places where emotional wounds have worn me down....but the things I have learned! The people I have met along the way, lifting me and showing by example the best way to be...These people are my personal heroes. They may never get a medal or ribbon, but what is that? My heroes are not interested in mere tokens of show.
Everyone has a story of strength.
It is usually wrapped in pain, like a bacon hors d'oeuvre, with a wooden toothpick holding it together. It is not easy to swallow, and there is a certain way it must be ingested or else everything becomes a mess!
Join me as I share my appreciation for life, excitement and expressions of those in whom I have found inspiration.